Contact Us

Piedmont Better Vision
3193 Howell Mill Rd.
Paces Pavilion Building
Atlanta, GA 30327


Suite 115 for Initial Evaluations and Post Operative Visits

Suite 116 for Surgery

Take I-75 South to West Paces Ferry Road, Exit #255. Get into the middle lane and turn left at the light onto West Paces Ferry. Take next right at the light onto Northside Parkway (Hwy 41) then go to the second light (approximately 1/10 mile) and turn right on Howell Mill Road. Our building, Paces Pavilion, is at the top of the hill on your left.

Take I-75 North to West Paces Ferry Road, Exit #255. At the exit light turn right onto Northside Parkway ( Hwy 41) and make an immediate right at the next light onto Howell Mill. Our building, Paces Pavilion, is at the top of the hill on your left.



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